Debbie Mason is a specialist Stammering SLT and is currently Clinical Lead for the regional NHS Adult Stammering Service at North Bristol Trust. Until 2020 she was joint Clinical Lead for the Paediatric Stammering Service in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Debbie is also a Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner with trainings in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness. She weaves these approaches through her work with clients with Functional Neurological Symptoms (FNS) to help them uncover the resources they need to be well.
Debbie is currently doing a project on Best Care Pathways for SLT Clients with Functional Neurological Symptoms at North Bristol Trust. North Bristol Trust is home to the Rosa Burden Centre, a specialist regional centre for the assessment and treatment of people with FNS and has inpatient and outpatient programmes.
Debbie is particularly interested in the “Positive Intention” behind symptoms and has used this principle to help clients resolve symptoms.
This study day will aim to explore:
Terminology – Functional / Psychogenic. Are we clear what we mean?
Current Evidence Base – What do we know?
Assessment and Diagnosis
Therapy – What Works?
Client stories. Debbie can share stories of clients with successful outcomes. Please bring stories of any clients with successful outcomes that you would like to share.
We will have break-out rooms so that SLTs can discuss their own thoughts and experiences.
We will also be hearing from Dr. Jennifer Chesters on her findings from a Covid Project. Jennifer is a Senior Research Associate in the BSLTRU, and a Speech and Language Therapist and Neuroscientist by background. She completed a Psychology degree at the University of St. Andrews, where she developed an interest in the neural basis of communication. She went on to qualify as an SLT in 2008, through the Speech and Language Sciences MSc course at UCL. She has worked as a Speech and Language Therapist in Learning Disability, Forensic Mental Health and Dysfluency services.
The day will run from 09:30 - 15:30 online through ZOOM and will include tea/coffee breaks and a lunch break. The day will be recorded and the video will be available for CEN members to watch on the website for 3 months afterwards.
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