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Talking Out Residential

Debra Craven

We are thrilled to let you know that the Talking Out Residential will be running in October 22 and they are now accepting referrals. As ever, places are limited, so please refer quickly. More information can be found on the website:

Who The residential is open to any young person who stammers, who is of secondary school age and who lives in the UK. When Sunday 23rd October to Friday 28th October. Where The residential takes place at Bewerley Park in North Yorkshire. Families need to be able to drop off and pick up from the Centre.

How much The residential is fully funded by Action for Stammering Children, so there is no cost to families or SLT services. How to refer In order for a referral to be accepted we need to receive a referral form completed by the young person’s parent or guardian. They also ask for a referral form from an SLT to accompany this if possible. Referrals can be made via the website:, or by following this link:

Questions If you, or a family would like to talk to one of the team, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively please text Teresa Howarth on 07783943735 and she will arrange a time to speak by phone.

Thanks to Ben for sharing this exciting news!

Ben Bolton-Grant

Speech and Language Therapist

Talking Out Ltd

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